Grant Award Requirements
If a grant is awarded, the grantee will receive a letter from the Dutton Foundation acknowledging our approval of their request, and the grant terms and conditions. Grantees will then be required to provide the following to the Foundation:
Countersigned award letter
Signed Grant Contract Terms and Conditions
A copy of the IRS determination letter indicating the grantee’s charitable status
A copy of the meeting minutes for the date where the requesting organization officially accepted the award. The minutes must indicate formal acceptance of the award and the Grant Contract Terms and Conditions.
We request some form of recognition of the Dutton Foundation be made for grants exceeding $15,000, such as announcement in the organization’s newsletter, a plaque or other signage indicating our support of the project or program. We also request to review and approve the content of any public statements prior to publication.
After the grant has been disbursed and the funded project is complete or significantly underway, we require the grantee to file a report on the results achieved through the grant. Grant reports must answer the following questions.
What are the two most important activities that your grant produced?
How did the funded program or project positively impact the environment or animal life or how was the organization able to do so after funding? How do you know these results were attained, and how have you measured its success?
What results or stories best illustrate how the grant positively impacted the lives of people?
Grant reports are required because we use them to evaluate the success of grants, and aid in future grantmaking decisions.
Pictured is a wetland area adjacent to the Pieper Power Education Center at the Mequon Nature Preserve. The Dutton Foundation provided a grant to assist with the restoration of this wetland area.