2018 Grant Recipients
Madison Audubon Society - Empowering kids through Discovery Education Program
Northland College - Publication of Vol II: AFIELD
S.E.W.I.S.C. - Invasive Species Removal
Driftless Area Land Conservancy - Driftless Trail Protection Project
Aldo Leopold Nature Center - Growing Healthy Knee-High Naturalists Program
WisCorps, Inc. - Inclusive Crew Expansion Project
Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Milwaukee - Summer Programming at Camp Whitcomb/Mason
Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies - Last Child in the Park Project
Sonoma Ecology Center - Trail Restoration
Oshkosh Area Humane Society - Humane Treatment and Animal Safety Youth Program
Friends of the North Pikes Creek Wetlands - Boardwalk at Beaver Hollow Education Area
Wisconsin Wetlands Association - 24th Annual Wetland Science Conference
Groundswell Conservancy - Growing Community Places Campaign
Ozaukee Washington Land Trust - Forest Beach Migratory Preserve
Audubon Canyon Ranch - Fire Forward Program
The Fix Is In, Inc. - Low Cost Spay/Neuter Program
Virginia Institute of Marine Science - Environmental Research
Purple Martin Conservation Association - WI Purple Martin Project - GPS Geo Locators